Showing 13 Result(s)

MaD Asia 2015 Conference – Part 2

Read on the first part of the conference review here: 1. Day 2 Stage a) The Forest Host: Yeung Yang: Independent Curator + Writer (HK) Topic 1: Audible landscape Speaker: Yannick Dauby: Sound artist (Taiwan/France) By using pigeon whistle straightly recorded, Yannick aimed to develop imagination of the children in the aborigine Taiwan village. The …

MaD Asia 2015 Conference – Part 1

I just had an opportunity to attend a 3 days-conference called MaD Asia 2015 at Kwai Tsing Theatre in Hong Kong. Coming back with tons of information, I took some time to reflect on the connections and the sharing from the forum, and jot down some notes before time slips through my fingers. If you’re …

Travel light

Every girl loves clothes, but I need to admit that I’m not much of a fashionista, or, to put it in other words, I’m not concerned about how I look when travelling. I need to feel comfortable, look comfortable (at least not too awkward from the surrounding), and that’s it. I don’t hold on to picture-perfect …

Penang – The introvert getaway

I promised myself that I’d write about it someday. But someday is a tricky word. The randomness that rolls out of my sometimes crazy, sometimes lame, and hopefully sometimes interesting life just keeps drifting far away from my memory. Fortunately, facts could, but feelings can never drift too far :). As an introvert, I can tell …

Cúc Phương du kí

Đi từ hồi cách đây 3 tháng rồi, giờ mới viết được cái bài. Bữa mình đi thì trời mưa tầm tã, vừa có muỗi vắt mà đường cũng lầy lội. Nghĩ lại thì chuyến đi “gọn lẹ” hơn mình tưởng, mặc dù lúc xuống, hai đứa chọn con đường không người qua lại chứ không …